D-EEAH will have its 40th “birthday” on 26 June 07 and I have been considering trying to take it back to Laupheim on 26/6/2007 to celebrate its first flight there. In the course of exploring this prospect I got in touch with Dr Haan on the German Boelkow web site. He has kindly put me in touch with folk at Laupheim – but he also mentioned that there is to be a Bolkow fly-in at Bopfingen (not far from Laupheim, in fact) the following weekend (not quite sure if it is Fri/Sat/Sun or just Sat/Sun or even Sat/Sun – but circa 30 June either way, so now I am looking to combine that with my Laupheim visit. He asked me if there were other UK Bolkows who might be interested – so - hence this message. Bopfingen is at N48:50.9 E010:20.0. I have not looked at routes but my guestimate is ~500nm from Lydd. Can we cajole any other Sqn members to join in, do you think?
(Ed - Perhaps any interested pilots can drop Stewart a quick line: deeah@btinternet.com)
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