(Stewart Buckingham, D-EEAH)...at Deist I got talking to one of the pilots who came in the EADS Museum Bo207, who had been a development pilot on the 208 programme! Had some interesting tales of taking a Junior on a marketing tour round sub-Saharan Africa for a month or two, 90+ hrs flying to some very out-of-the-way places! He noticed that my aircraft did not have any rubber pads on the cockpit steps.
When I first encountered D’AH with its previous owner, it had had rubber pads on the steps, but they were worn out so he removed them and painted the steps with w

ing-walk paint, which was better than nothing but did not look “right”. But were could I get new pads from? Well, a conversation at Deist revealed that the pads were actually brake pedal rubbers from an (unspecified) BMW car. I have now discovered that they are actually the rubbers for the Type 2002 BMW Automatic (1963-1976 models).
I’m not sure if these can still be obtained from BMW dealers, but they ARE available from JAYMIC (Contact details: Jaymic Ltd, 2002 Thurgarton Road, Aldborough, Norfolk, NR11 7NY, Tel: +44 (0)1263 768768 Fax: +44 (0)1263 768336
http://www.jaymic.com/ Email:
enquiries@jaymic.com ).
They were very prompt and helpful when I contacted them and had the pads sent to me in a couple of days and under £10 the pair. Perhaps some other owners might like to buy some! Although these are undoubtedly the same pads used on the original Bolkow build, they do need a simple modification to fit – you need to trim off the lip down one long side to put them on the step – they are supplied with a lip right round to fit onto the brake/clutch pedal of the car!